Note: Project compliance with the following published standards
(1) Sustainable Energy for All, Powering Health Facilities—Approach
(1) Sustainable Energy for All, Powering Health Facilities—Approach
1.0. Stakeholder Consultation: National level consultation to include Ministries of Health, Energy, and/or or Rural Electrification, supplemented by multilateral institutions providing key support. OUTCOME: coordinated approach.
2.0. National Health Facility Mapping: Mapping of all health facilities in the country is required, focusing on the current ‘power status’ of each facility, proximity to the grid, lay-out of the health facility, and GIS coordinates. OUTCOME: identify and prioritized facilities for interventions.
3.0. Energy Needs Assessment: Define the energy needs of facilities delivered at the different levels of care, as described in national health policy. Model energy end-use profile for medical and physical infrastructure; conduct pre-feasibility. OUTCOME: detailed energy needs assessment.
4.0. Analysis: Model energy load profile (demand and consumption) at 15-minute intervals for a 24h period disaggregated by different priority medical systems. OUTCOME: individual and aggregated power needs and system specifications by facility type.
5.0. Costing: Identify Capital Expenses (CapEx) and Operating Expenses (OpEx), including bundled CapEx and OpEx in a long-term service contract, with performance-based payments. OUTCOME: an overview of different costing models across different scenarios.
6.0. Implementation Strategy: Develop bidding documents for the desired delivery models to pursue. OUTCOME: long-term sustainability options.